is very hard to change for a person,who is heavily involved in the Maya
pursuits, to become a devotee of the Creator. Many of us, the Sikh-seekers,
fail to understand what actually the Gurbani wants us to do. Our deep
indulgence in the worldly affairs makes us think that by doing daily recitation
of some banis will get us the ultimate freedom also known as “liberatated while
alive”. We fail to realize that such kind of daily routine only prepares a
ground for the spiritual realms, but never ever it leads to the spiritual goals
the Gurbani talks about. The Gurus and the Bhagatas have tried to guide the
followers to turn toward the Creator and to obtain liberation in different
ways. It is common practice of the people to do rituals and already established
religious acts without ever becoming honest toward their seers; in the Gurbani,
hypocrisy is totally rejected especially in context of gaining a spiritual peak.
In the following shabda, Ninth Nanak sums up how to be His true devotee. No detail
of religious acts is promoted but a simple way of remembering the Creator.
One’s religiosity should not bind one; instead it should free one from all
bonds to see a vast world, as the Creator’s own play filled with negativity and
positivity. The shabda is on 902, SGGS:
rwmklI mhlw 9 ]
swDo kaun jugiq Ab kIjY ]
Raamkalee mehlaa 9.
SaaDho ka-un jugat ab keejai.
Ramkali, the bani of Ninth Nanak.
essence: Oh Sants! What a way should be adopted
through which
jw qy durmiq sgl ibnwsY rwm Bgiq mnu BIjY ]1] rhwau ]
Jaa tay durmat sagal binaasai raam bhagat man bheejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
all ill-thoughts go away and
the mind gets involved in Prabh’s meditation? Pause.
The Guru puts a few questions,
which he answers later on; below, the Guru gives a reason why it is difficult
for the people, heavily involved in Maya pursuits, to turn toward the Creator,
who has blessed them with so much:
mnu mwieAw mih auriJ rihE hY bUJY nh kCu igAwnw ]
Man maa-i-aa meh urajh rahi-o hai boojhai nah kachh gi-aanaa.
The mortal doesn’t
understand the divine knowledge, because he is involved in Maya. Again the Guru
asks by remembering what name, one can obtain a status of liberation?
kaunu nwmu jgu jw kY ismrY pwvY pdu inrbwnw ]1]
Ka-un naam jag jaa kai simrai paavai pad nirbaanaa.
What is that name by
contemplating which asublime status can be obtained in this world?
Now the Guru gives answers:
Bey dieAwl ik®pwl sMq jn qb ieh bwq bqweI ]
Bha-ay da-i-aal kirpaal sant jan tab ih baat bataa-ee.
By showing kindness, the Sants
(the true devotees of Ekankaar) have told this:
srb Drm mwno iqh kIey ijh pRB kIriq gweI ]2]
Sarab Dharam maano tih kee-ay jih parabh keerat gaa-ee. ||2||
If a person sings the
praises of Akalpurakh, it means he has performed all the religious ceremonies.
rwm nwmu nru inis bwsur mih inmK eyk auir DwrY ]
Raam naam nar nis baasur meh nimakh ayk ur Dhaarai.
Oh Nanak! If he enshrines Prabh’s
name in his heart momentarily day and night,
jm ko qRwsu imtY nwnk iqh Apuno jnmu svwrY ]3]2]
Jam ko taraas mitai naanak tih apuno janam savaarai. ||3||2||
his fear of death ends, and
he makes his life successful.
All stress is given on
remembering the Creator; it doesn’t matter what name is used to remember Him.
When one’s mind remembers the Creator in love, one turns only toward positivity
found in the world; one keeps rejecting negativity.Such power holds the
Creator’s name. In Japji, First Nanak goes in detail how much power the
Creator’s name holds. It changes regular people into angels; it removes
wickedness; it changes the mind to be a universal entity. It shatters its all
bonds. Believing in His name and hearing His name create miracles (SGGS, 3).
Remembering Him satiates the fickle mind. The life takes a harmonious turn
never to fall into anxiety or frustration, and the Ordinance the Creator has
put in force is understood. Nothing seems against His ordinance. The battle
between the negativity and positivity becomes clear.Siding with the positivity,
the seeker battles with the negativity to become a true warrior of the Creator.
Then contentment takes over his or her mind’s frustration. This way, through remembering
the Creator, we embellish our lives and we live our lives free from worries,
bonds and ritualistic behavior. By simply discussing or debating, one’s mind
never settles with His name. His name is chosen to enshrine the Creator’s
memory in the mind so that by living in His memory, one
can get rid of duality to become one with Him.
G Singh
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