Through this Bani, third Nanak blesses us to experience what he has; in a nut shell, it is a detail of Guru Nanak - panth that must be followed through our True Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Its message goes beyond the verses we recite often. Our Guru has worded out the inexpressible experience. Lucky we are to have such blessings of our Guru; we should mold ourselves according to it. As per my limited intellect, I shall take you through this beautiful discourse of our Guru.
Addressing to “mother’ is simply a style in Punjabi to covey something the mind longs to share with others. The first statement is an expression of attained Divine experience; it is explained through a vital point: following the Guru. As the Guru is obtained and he is followed, something magical occurs. A change within displays the glow of the light the Guru infuses within; through that, unending bliss blossoms within. Now remember, all these actions are taken with forceful intentions but in a natural way. It is obvious that in a natural way, the mind goes more into sincerity than by forcing it into something. Our sincerity in following the Guru can seal our destiny if it comes natural way. The bliss within creates unending music because of the mind’s oneness with its Creator. Unstuck music various melodies go on within. We, who just think to have such mind of state, cannot explain it in words. Here we must understand that this sublime state of mind comes only if one enshrines the Creator within through the Guru. If our “I- force” keeps dominating us, feeling the presence of the Creator within remains an illusion. Guru Ji addresses this aspect in detail later on in this Bani.
As stated in the first stanza, feeling His presence within is realized by enshrining His memory in the heart; Guru Ji again stresses on remaining with His presence because that is the essence of becoming free from pains or sorrows.
Guru Ji prepares us for the journey leading to Him by fixing our attention on one Creator who is omnipotent. This is the way Guru Ji is freeing us from other bonds, entities and involvements. To do what he asks us to do is not very simple. Keeping Him in the heart actually changes the whole situation we are in. Our outlook is changed and our behavior is filled with positivity. The conception of bliss becomes possible. As our Guru takes us to Him, he infuses in us the awareness of the importance of His grace:
First instruction is to believe that there is none but the Creator who gives to all beings. In this belief, it is also added that only the Creator can bless the mortal to have anything. Please be aware that in our Guru’s mind, devotion of the Creator is what worth asking from Him (504 SGGS, Mehla 1); as HE gives that inclination, the mind gets free of all pains and anxieties; therefore, pray to Him:
A prayer, by implying His power of grace, is offered. Nothing is beyond His power; through His grace, miracles happen. As it imbibes the Divine knowledge, nothing can mislead it. There is a crucial advice for us and it is the same one: keeping Him in the heart and singing His praises.
Now, the mind is convinced to be with Him through the Guru; consequently, only the Creator appears to be the support of life. The life is breathed in His love and the world is seen with His grace different way. The worldly commotion loses its cluster. It remains there but it fails to distract the mind fixed on the Creator. Subsequently, the Guru acts as a transmuting force for the mind and it gets liberated.
The mind is now fixed on the Creator who is felt within and out. Contentment embellishes the soul. No worry or anxiety touches the mind negatively because the mind goes into bliss due to His presence felt within. In this state of mind, the Guru is applauded because the mind is led to this sublime state by the Guru. Shabada of the Guru continues working on the mind only if it is kept in the mind. For the soul, then it becomes guiding light of the life.
In the following, Guru Ji shares manifestation of His grace in those persons upon whom He bestows it. Five primal forces that are the source of negativity come under control as the mind fixes itself on the presence of the Creator within. Here is the detail:
With His presence within, the mind remains tuned to Him, and the melodious music of His praise starts playing on; the mind becomes free from the fear of death and the disturbance creators also known as five enemies. The mind is left with that music of His praise that generates bliss within continuously. The never ending bliss shines the mind.
Please make sure we understand why Guru Ji calls this body a poor thing without His love? Why it has no recognition without His love? In this world, isn’t it recognized very well without any consideration of its liaison with the Creator? Indeed, it is. Contrary to worldly honor, Guru Ji indicates about the spiritual realm where it is only honored if it is drenched in His love (319 SGGS). In that context, our Guru offers a prayer for us before the Creator. Sikhi shines in His love; it gets rusted without His true love. Sikhi blossoms on His support and it fades away without His love. And, loving Him alone shatters all bonds and dispels all fears and doubts.
In the following, Guru Ji defines “anand,” which comes through the divine knowledge imparted by the Guru. Many people talk about it, lecture on it and try to sway the hearts of others with their impressive discourses. Unfortunately, the true bliss is not obtained with such bogus lectures. Anand is related with the divine knowledge. It is this divine knowledge that sets the mind free from all bonds, anxieties and worries by eradicating internal attachment that triggers them. Those people, who go to so called religious places where monetary gains cased in “blessings” are offered, are mistaken about the whole divinity. Desires spread a net around us; we get caught in it and breathe our last in it. Anand comes in detachment while being present in the attractive Maya modes. If Anand is sought, the Guru’s advice about abandoning internal attachment must be practiced
If the paper is blurred, writing on it becomes nuisance. For the bliss, blots of attachment must be cleaned. We can own all what we have without getting attached to it. We can love and enjoy all relations without getting attached to them. We just don’t try, and thus we fail to understand what Guru Ji says all the time. We bow to Sri Guru Granth Sahib without truly bowing because bowing needs replacement of our thinking with the Guru advice. Remember, bowing is not and should not be a casual action. Bowing becomes achievement if it is truly done; otherwise, the bowing remains an empty act. Honest bowing fills the mind with the light Guru imparts to the mind. We cannot have anything in the hands if our hands are closed in fists. Therefore, listen to our Guru, open the hands to hold on to Guru, and work on eradicating the attachment and the conceit to bring “Anand” home.
Before going into detail of Guru - path, Third Nanak puts stress on a complete trust in the grace of Akalpurakh and the Guru. With full faith in the Guru and His grace, the follower follows this path without getting distractive by outer negative forces. We will see how Guru Ji prepares the follower by scrapping off the attachment and the pride of wisdom. He asks us to tear down the wall built by our conceit and doubts by sharing with us his own journey of spiritual progression. As we go through this discourse of our Guru, we will see how blunder are committed under the direction of our own wisdom.